
About Aimee Whelan

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So far Aimee Whelan has created 68 blog entries.

How does inflation affect your pension?

Inflation is the rise in prices for goods and services over time. Everyone remembers a heyday of their youth when the prices paid for items were a fraction of what these items cost today. This is inflation in action. Inflation can have an impact on your pension in that [...]

2025-03-24T11:14:48+00:00March 24, 2025|Pension|

Defined Benefit Pension Transfers in 2025

Defined benefit pension transfers in Ireland in 2025 are increasingly being offered to deferred members of defined benefit pension schemes with transfer values that are very attractive and higher than in previous years. As employers seek to phase out defined benefit pensions due to the financial and administrative demands [...]

2025-03-24T11:15:06+00:00March 21, 2025|Pension|

2025 Irish Pensions Guide

There have been numerous changes to Irish pensions in 2024, and there is more to follow in 2025.  These changes are all broadly aimed at improving the pension coverage of our ageing population, improving access to the state contributory pension, and paying for the pensions of the retirees of [...]

2025-02-13T12:25:19+00:00February 13, 2025|News, Pension|

ETF Tax In Ireland Might Be Changing

In February 2023, a headline appeared in the Irish Independent which read as follows:  “crippling 41% exit tax on funds to be reviewed, says Michael McGrath”.  At the time, Michael McGrath was Ireland’s Minister for Finance and he, following on from an initial announcement made by Paschal Donohoe the [...]

2024-11-21T13:21:53+00:00November 21, 2024|Taxation|