
2025 Irish Pensions Guide

There have been numerous changes to Irish pensions in 2024, and there is more to follow in 2025.  These changes are all broadly aimed at improving the pension coverage of our ageing population, improving access to the state contributory pension, and paying for the pensions of the retirees of [...]

2025-02-13T12:25:19+00:00February 13, 2025|News, Pension|

Name Announced for Auto Enrolment Pension

Heather Humphries, the Minister for Social Protection, has announced the new name for Ireland’s long awaited auto enrolment pension scheme.  My Future Fund has been chosen as the “easy to remember” moniker, a move intended to make clear the purpose of the pension savings scheme ie. to save and [...]

2025-02-06T14:12:53+00:00November 18, 2024|News, Pension|

National Pension Helpline’s Budget 2025 Review

Budget 2025 has been widely advertised as offering “the largest social welfare package in the history of the State, providing €2.6 billion to assist households”.  While these seemingly “populist” budgets may prove beneficial when it comes to the polling stations, there’s a real question mark around whether they actually [...]

2024-10-11T13:02:54+00:00October 11, 2024|News|

New study looks into post retirement expenditure

A recent survey carried out by Royal London Ireland, who provide pensions, personal and business protection in Ireland, looked at respondents’ expectations around funding their retirement. The survey results suggested that almost half of the survey respondents (45%) expect their sixties to be the most expensive decade of their [...]

2024-08-26T08:47:29+00:00August 8, 2024|News|