
How does inflation affect your pension?

Inflation is the rise in prices for goods and services over time. Everyone remembers a heyday of their youth when the prices paid for items were a fraction of what these items cost today. This is inflation in action. Inflation can have an impact on your pension in that [...]

2025-03-24T11:14:48+00:00March 24, 2025|Pension|

Defined Benefit Pension Transfers in 2025

Defined benefit pension transfers in Ireland in 2025 are increasingly being offered to deferred members of defined benefit pension schemes with transfer values that are very attractive and higher than in previous years. As employers seek to phase out defined benefit pensions due to the financial and administrative demands [...]

2025-03-24T11:15:06+00:00March 21, 2025|Pension|

2025 Irish Pensions Guide

There have been numerous changes to Irish pensions in 2024, and there is more to follow in 2025.  These changes are all broadly aimed at improving the pension coverage of our ageing population, improving access to the state contributory pension, and paying for the pensions of the retirees of [...]

2025-02-13T12:25:19+00:00February 13, 2025|News, Pension|

Pension Auto-Enrolment Scheme Delay

It appears that the pension auto-enrolment scheme announced with much fanfare by the Government faces further delays.  Now envisaged as beginning in 2025, pension auto-enrolment faces a number of hurdles before it can be up and running for employees. Auto-enrolment is intended to be one option in a range [...]

2024-11-19T11:27:04+00:00November 19, 2024|Pension|

Name Announced for Auto Enrolment Pension

Heather Humphries, the Minister for Social Protection, has announced the new name for Ireland’s long awaited auto enrolment pension scheme.  My Future Fund has been chosen as the “easy to remember” moniker, a move intended to make clear the purpose of the pension savings scheme ie. to save and [...]

2025-02-06T14:12:53+00:00November 18, 2024|News, Pension|

State Pension in Ireland FAQ 2024

If you are planning your income in retirement, you may have a lot of questions about the State pension in Ireland.  Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about the State pension in Ireland so that you will have the knowledge you need to make informed decisions [...]

2024-09-16T19:22:46+00:00September 15, 2024|State Pension|

Historic pension auto enrolment bill passes Dáil

The government has passed a landmark law which will create a new automatic enrolment pension scheme to address a deficit of pension savings in the country.  The Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System Bill 2024 has been sent the President to be signed into law after being passed by both [...]

2024-11-12T06:30:00+00:00July 18, 2024|Pension|