Occupational Schemes

Case Study: Mistakes of the Waterford Crystal Pension scheme and how to avoid them

Waterford Crystal employees showcased what could happen if a company puts lack-lustre effort into protecting workers. In a nutshell After suffering losses to their pension scheme, individuals employed by the company discovered their company pension funds had no protection system - and decided to do something about [...]

2023-01-13T21:44:10+00:00December 11, 2022|Case Studies, Occupational Schemes, Pension|

Construction Workers’ Pensions Scheme (CWPSP): Group schemes versus open market alternatives

When it comes to generating funds for the Construction Workers’ Pension Scheme, a group scheme method has been adopted. Affiliated with the employer trade body, Construction Industry Federation, nearly 50,000 members have offered up financial contributions under this model. However, is this option feasible when it stands up against [...]

2023-10-02T20:51:57+00:00October 5, 2022|Occupational Schemes, Pension|

Self-Administered Pensions Ireland

 Provided to The National Pension Helpline by Dan Malone (Malone Financial) Small, self-administered pension schemes are predominantly used by business owners and high standing, key employees like company directors. This is because a SSAPS offers more flexibility and control over your pension investment and allows you to maximise its [...]

2023-01-13T21:57:31+00:00September 6, 2022|Occupational Schemes, Pension|

Superannuation Ireland

Table of Contents What is Superannuation? Superannuation in Ireland What Public Service Scheme do I Belong to? Alternatives to Superannuation Pension Plan What is Superannuation Often referred to as a company pension plan, a superannuation fund is a [...]

2023-01-13T22:01:49+00:00July 21, 2022|Occupational Schemes, Pension|

Pension Age Ireland

Anyone who has worked in Ireland will receive a State pension. It is based on reaching a threshold of PRSI payments (Pay Related Social Insurance payments) and there are contingencies for those who have not reached this threshold. This could be because they were working abroad paying social insurance [...]

2024-05-10T09:02:27+00:00May 6, 2022|Occupational Schemes, Pension, State Pension|